Friday, September 6, 2013

Pax Prime and Midnight City!

We have just returned from Pax Prime in Seattle. We had a really good and successful trip, considering we went without tickets to the show (which sold out in 4 hours!) or a booth to officially demo Organic Panic.

As close as we got to the water - That's not the London Eye!
I'm not sure we found Pax Prime!

Midnight City

So we have some exciting news, Last Limb games has teamed up with a new indie publisher Midnight City, which is a new division of Majesco. This is a new type of publishing model that works with developers to help us make great games. They provide support, Q&A, distribution, and marketing, while we retain full creative control and the full IP, which was the reason we worked on OP for so long in the first place! - We're both very excited and happy that this publishing model/company arrived just when we really needed it. We're not getting any direct funding from them, so until we make some sales we are on a shoestring budget still.

Here's what the media is saying about Midnight City -
Polygon (whom interviewed us and quotes us in this article)

Panorama of the Saturday night launch Party
So on Saturday night Midnight City held a launch party and we got to show our game to all those attending, press and public, it was a great night, lots of fun, dancing, pounding music and game playing! (as well as ample discourse!) - Organic Panic went down really well.

Then on Sunday we were part of the Midnight City Bus tour, well less of the tour and more at the backdoor to Pax, where we took rotation on demoing Organic Panic to press.

Then in the evening we went to a Xbox One Indie party, and played pool, looks like Microsoft and the Xbox One team are really trying to get indies on board, which is cool and we're excited to make a Xbox One version of Organic Panic.

Finally on Monday we got to look around Pax Prime itself, thanks to Casey and Adam for giving us their badges. The place was huge and there was too much to look at so we didn't get to play many games, we both felt the indie booths were the most exciting and interesting part of the whole show. I think that the Indie games were so cool, creative and original, This is where the games industry was born.
PS4 and Xbox One look nice though, pretty mega detailing going on there.